

National Introduction of the European Energy Award (EEA)

The goal is to support the introduction and anchorage of the European Energy Award (EEA) at the national level in Ukraine. The introduction of the EEA provides a framework and management tool for Ukrainian municipalities to increase the energy efficiency and develop renewable energy sources in Ukrainian cities and towns. The support ensures a knowledge transfer between Switzerland and Ukraine and increases the efficiency of the national EEA implementation. At international level, the International Office European Energy Award (IOEEA) supports the services. At national level, the Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine" (EECU) is responsible for the implementation and long-term operation of EEA in Ukraine.

Project Partners :

  • SECO (Swiss Sate Secretariat for Economic Affairs)
  • International Office European Energy Award GmbH
  • Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine" (EECU)
  • Maître de l'ouvrage International Office European Energy Award GmbH and Minregion – Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
  • Lieu Ukraine
  • Année de réalisation Août 2018 à juillet 2021
  • Prestations Planair
    • Development of the framework to support the institutionalization of the EEA label at national level (structures, business model);
    • Review of each measure in the catalogue by assessing how it can be applied to the Ukrainian context (for the implementation guidance) and what the potential is (for the assessment guidance);
    • Adaptation of other EEA instruments and guidelines;
    • election and training of EEA consultants and auditors;
    • Development of a communication/ visibility toolkit of the EEA in Ukraine;
    • Development an online exchange platform and organization of workshops for municipalities.